Survive and Thrive the Mould Epidemic
How’s the weather been for the past few months? Oh my gosh it’s been soo damp and so humid! The unprecedented amount of rain that we have been …
How’s the weather been for the past few months? Oh my gosh it’s been soo damp and so humid! The unprecedented amount of rain that we have been …
With another round of lock downs around the country (first time for some!), you have had to once again make quick changes to your life. Perhaps you had …
How many sleeps till Christmas now? Not many left! How are you feeling? My doctor was incredulous about how many patients she was seeing who were having Christmas …
Winter is the season when we are more inclined to come down with coughs, colds and sometimes the flu. So many times I have caught a cold from …
So many people must be feeling the brunt of the virus in their lives. We may be out of work, restricted from going places, scared of getting sick, …
From the moment when we first open our eyes and gaze at the world around us, the shapes and colours, the sounds and smells, we are on the …
If you haven’t read Part 1 you can find it here! Exercise to Feed the Brain In recent times the notion that the brain can’t change has been …
Clarity is such a nice word. Conjuring up images of pristine cool clear lakes, blue skies and everything very crisp and beautiful. But a lack of clarity brings …
The traditional Christmas practice of giving gifts is a wonderful, open-hearted gesture of affection and gratitude which hopefully invokes warm and fuzzy feelings in both the giver and …
Yoga meditation is easy to add to your daily routine, extremely effective, and will help you awaken and cultivate wisdom and spiritual love—the goal of yoga. Regularly practicing …
5 Ways to Show Mum You Love Her This Mothers Day! Being a mother myself, I like to think that I have some pretty good insights in to …
Welcome to the New Year everyone! It’s Sami here and I am so looking forward to another awesome year with you guys! Seeing as it’s the beginning of …
Christmas is almost upon us and along with the fun and festivities, come the stresses and tensions of trying to squeeze everything in before the end of the …
Winter is well and truly over, however we may still be experiencing symptoms of our winter body – feeling sluggish, extra padding, and perhaps a little heavy in …
Do we work to live or live to work? An international study revealed that people in all income groups, age groups and nationalities are working longer and harder …
So I’d like to talk a little bit about happiness, our search for happiness. We all strive for happiness in this life. But what we consider happiness varies …
The crisp air that Autumn brings is a welcomed change after the intense heat of an Australian Summer. The bustling leaves, and cool dry wind mark the …
Question: I grew up in a relatively poor family and I always envied the movie stars I watched on TV and read about who got whatever they wanted, …
Human-centred animal that I am, I find it easiest to appreciate the heroism of animals who save human lives, who rescue people. But I’ve come to be …
In 1950, an elderly woman lived in Hermitage, Tennessee, who was known to everyone around simply as Aunt Tess. The old lady lived alone with only her …
It is not only dogs and dolphins who have shown their reverence and devotion to human life by going to enormous lengths to save it. The animal …
If the little Scottish terrier whose monument still stands in Edinburgh is not the most selfless animal who ever lived, a dolphin named Pelorus Jack might well …
You will not find very many monuments to dogs in this world. But in Edinburgh, Scotland, in a public area known as Greyfriar Square, there stands a …
If you are already eating a vegetarian diet or if you are considering moving in that direction, then simply by eating enough food from a variety of …
The human body is a water machine, more liquid than solid, and requires regular replenishing with this magic elixir, in order to survive. We can last 2 …
Health is a very ill defined term. In the western countries many people see health as a black and white concept. You are healthy unless you have …
In the Italian province of Venito there is a family whose members regularly die from lack of sleep. They have an extremely rare form of inheritable fatal …
Homeostasis is an important process of the body which is always striving to keep the internal environment within a certain range. Therefore if the body gets too …