Tiptoe Mountain Pose

Balancing poses hone our ability to focus and concentrate. They provide a wonderful feedback system – as soon as the mind wavers we start to wobble. Because the mind needs to be fully engaged and one pointed, there is no room for any stressful thoughts or emotions, which is one reason balancing poses have a very calming effect on the nervous system. Tiptoe Mountain Pose also helps to strengthens the arches, ankles and calves, it improves posture and helps to develop deep core muscles.

Let’s try it:

  1. Come into a standing position with your feet hip distance apart.
  2. Press evenly into both sides of your feet and your heels.
  3. Encourage the front and back of the pelvis to draw in towards each other and grow taller by envisaging a string pulling you up from the top of your head.
  4. Open through the front of your shoulders and draw the ears in line with the shoulders.
  5. Now keeping the weight evenly distributed side to side, lift your heels and come high onto the balls of your feet.
  6. Once you have your balance, raise your arms out to the side and alongside your head.
  7. Breathe evenly as you focus your gaze on one object in front of you and hold the pose for 10 or more breaths.
  8. Slowly lower your heels and arms and return to Mountain Pose, taking a moment to feel the calming effect of the pose.

Variations and Modifications

  • If you are a wobbler practice side on to a wall. Even just having the wall nearby gives reassurance and prevents us wobbling.
  • If your shoulders are tight you can bring your arms out into a wide V shape, or have your hands in prayer position at the chest.
  • For more challenge, with your hands in prayer at the chest progress from Tiptoe Mountain to Tiptoe Chair and back to Mountain Pose a few times.


By Vrndavan Dasi
Founder and Principal of Veda Yoga Teacher Training