The Essence and Meaning of Namaste

Namaste is a traditional greeting that we often hear in the yoga community. It is usually offered with the palms held together, lowered eyes and a bowed head. It represents one of yoga’s greatest lessons; humility and respect for others. Humility allows us to experience peacefulness and frees us from the consciousness of wanting respect or anything else from others. Instead of thinking, ‘what can this person do for me’ we can think about what we can do for that person.  

Such a perspective is freeing, because if we have expectations of others, we are certain to be disappointed or even angry when they fall short of those expectations. On the other hand, if we cultivate humility and respect for others, rather than demanding respect from them, we are freed from a host of negative emotions that can harden our hearts.  Humility prevents the stress and disappointment that comes from feeling that others are not giving us what we feel we deserve. This is because when we are humble we no longer feel others owe us something.  We recognise our own faults and accept the faults of others with understanding and compassion. This attitude of humility allows harmonious personal relationships at home, at work and in our community.


By Vrndavan Dasi
Founder and Principal of Veda Yoga Teacher Training