Developing a Home Practice Part 3: Plan Your Practice

A great way to get your home practice started is to follow a set program. It doesn’t have to be a complicated one! Five poses a day is enough for you to feel the benefits and a great way to get started without it feeling like a burden. You can use the guide listed below, or set up your own weekly plan with poses best suited to your personal preference.

Guidelines/Inspiration: practice with integrity; in a time frame that suits you. ‘Integrity’ meaning that you give each and every pose your full awareness and practice with vigour and enthusiasm.  It’s fine if you only have 1 minute available for each asana- 5-10 minutes of yoga is better that no yoga at all! If you have 30 or 60 minutes available; so much the better. Then you can immerse yourself in finding your way in and out of each pose and experimenting with modifications, variations and long holds.

In every session:

  • Opening Meditation: seated in a comfortable position, sing the sacred mantra, “Aum Hari Aum” for at least 3-10 rounds.
  • Warm Up: 2-3 sun-salutations
  • Gauranga breathing

Day 1

  1. Hero
  2. Seated Forward Folds
  3. Pigeon
  4. Splits
  5. Sage Twist

Day 2

  1. Standing Forward Fold Big Toe Pose
  2. Chair
  3. Mountain Pose
  4. Downward Dog
  5. Supine Twists

Day 3

  1. Warrior 1
  2. Warrior 2
  3. Warrior 3
  4. Standing Split
  5. Wide Stance Standing Forward Fold

Day 4

  1. Bridge
  2. Camel
  3. Dragon Hip Openers
  4. Wheel
  5. Child’s Pose

Day 5

  1. Triangle
  2. Garland
  3. Seated Wide Angle Forward Fold
  4. Churning Butter
  5. Legs up the Wall

Day 6

  1. Cat-cow
  2. Plank
  3. Side Planks
  4. Crane
  5. Handstand

Day 7

  1. Sacrum Circles
  2. Reclining Big Toe Series
  3. Sleeping Butterfly
  4. Supported Fish
  5. Corpse Pose

Add yoga to your life on a daily basis and

watch how your life starts to change!

Namaste Sami

Developing a Home Practice Part 1: Safety First
Developing a Home Practice Part 2: Injury Prevention