Here’s my favourite biscuit recipe. It’s my favourite not only because they are yummy biscuits but also it’s so easy and adaptable. Sometimes I make them as a treat for the ASMY yoga classes and often get asked for the recipe. So here it is folks!
¾ cup butter (softened – see below for my Mother’s trick of softening butter)
¾ cup rich brown sugar
1/3 cup yoghurt
1 tsp vinegar
1 tsp baking soda
1 ¾ – 2 cups of flour
Here’s how… it’s so easy
Mix the butter and sugar together till they are creamy.
Mix the yoghurt, vinegar and baking soda together and add them to the butter mixture
Stir in the flour until the mixture is able to be rolled into soft balls.
Place in balls on the baking tray and use your finger to make an indent then flatten slightly with your hand.
Fill the indent with jam and bake at 180 C for about 15 – 20 minutes.
Cool on a wire rack
* Other options include, dried fruit, chocolate chips and nuts
* How to soften butter – slice the block of butter into about 20g slices and float them in tepid water. They usually take about 5 minutes to soften then tip the water off and voila – nice soft butter.
By Vrindavan Dasi (Margaret)