What is Kirtan?
Kirtan is the singing of ancient Vedic mantras, spiritually uplifting songs, prayers and the Sacred Names of the Supreme. Rather than being a type of performance, Kirtan is a journey of self discovery.
This ancient yogic practice was traditionally accompanied with Indian instruments. In the hands and voices of contemporary practitioners, Kirtan has been transported beautifully to all cultural and musical styles without losing its genuine spiritual authenticity.
Weaving together melody, music and mantra with people responding to the words of the singer, clapping, swaying and sometimes dancing, Kirtan is simultaneously a meditative, exhilarating and fun activity.

Sacred Sounds
Kirtan is the most powerful and enjoyable form of meditation. By meditating on these sacred sounds we reach a state far beyond the stress and worries of life.
The eternal wisdom contained in the yoga texts explain that these mantras are transcendental sounds endowed with unlimited spiritual potency. They purify one’s consciousness and bring deep spiritual insight and inner happiness.
Spiritual Love
Everyone is looking for something real, lasting and fully satisfying in their life. That “something” is reconnecting to our spiritual source, to experience spiritual love. Kirtan nourishes the soul’s deepest needs by reawakening this spiritual love within our hearts. From this place of peace, love, joy and harmony, let the rest of your life unfold.
Featured Resources

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