Mermaid Beach Yoga Class Descriptions
Class Key:
G = Gentle M = Moderate D = Dynamic C = Challenging
SB = Suitable for beginners SI = Suitable for injuries SP = Suitable for pregnancy C = Concession (inc. full time student)
Stretch & Relax
G – SB – SI – SP
A half and half combo of gentle stretching and strengthening, and sublime relaxation and meditation
Grounding Hatha
M – SB – SI – SP
A slower, more static practice to balance and nurture
Nourishing Yin
M – SB – SI – SP
Surrender into stillness, long supportive holds and deep releases. We are a BYO mat and props space; two blocks, one strap and a bolster (or two large towels) highly recommended for Nourishing Yin classes
Vinyasa Flow & Meditation
D – SB – SI if you know how to manage them in a faster paced class
A luxurious, flowing yoga asana and meditation practice combined to start your day right physically, mentally and spiritually
Vinyasa Flow
D/C – SI if you know how to manage them in a faster paced class
Flowing creative sequences coordinated with breath
Community Yoga
G – SB – SI – SP
Yoga for everybody, run in conjunction with City of Gold Coast and Veda Yoga Teacher Training
Mindful Kids Yoga & Meditation
A solid foundation for holistic healthy living and inner peace for the next generation of yogis. Classes run weeks 2-9 during the school term.
Parents/carers jump into the adults Tuesday and Thursday 4:00pm Stretch & Relax class for only $5!