Ayurveda Tongue Analysis – Do it Yourself!

According to Ayurveda the tongue is not just an organ of taste only but also a strong tool for diagnosis. Tongue analysis is a part of Ayurvedic diagnosis complementary with pulse, nails, eye, face etc. Tongue is also called a window of the inner system. Ayurveda says, read your tongue and know your health status.

It is important to check your tongue regularly to recognize the inner system. Be your own doctor and look your own tongue in the mirror. Your tongue never lies and clearly indicates if your body is accumulating toxins, food is indigested or any indication of disorders.

tongue-diagnosisCommon findings with Tongue diagnosis

  • Internal organs health
  • Vata, Pitta or Kapha state or imbalance.
  • Presence of toxins and needs of detox.
  • Tension and emotions held in spine, shoulder or organs.
  • Anemia and cirtulations.
  • Malabsorption of nutrients
  • Inflammation of organs and body
  • Parasitic infection

Organs location in Tongue

Tongue represents the location of various organs.

  • The front of the tongue is related to upper GI tract, lungs, and heart;
  • The Middle part of the tongue is connected with liver, spleen, and stomach;
  • The back is associated with large intestine and kidneys;
  • The very tip is the location of thyroid and vertical line in the middle of the tongue represents the spine.

Coating colour and location

The presence of coating is an indication of poor digestion and toxin build up in the tissues.


The common location is on the back of the tongue which correlates to the colon area. Correlates the
organ location with the location of coating to conclude and if the coating is all over it means the toxins are in the blood stream and located in the whole body.



If the coating is grey, black or brown, you can assume accumulation of vata toxins and vata imbalance.

If the coating is yellow, organge, red, green, it indicates pitta toxins and pitta Imbalances.

If the coating is whitish in colour, it is kapha toxins and correlates to kapha imbalance.





The presence of cracks on tongue is representing typical vata imbalance.

The location of cracks indicates about the organ-wise imbalance. The typical vertical line that is located in the centre of the tongue is indicating spine. If you see crack in the middle, it is an indication of stress and emotions being held in the spine.  If the crack is on the tip of the tongue is cervical spine and it is holding pain, tension and misalignment on that area.

Similarly, if there are multiple cracks, it is a clear indicator of chronic/strong vata derangement such as insomnia, nervous, fear, insecurity, and nervous disorder.



Swollen Tongue

If there is swelling on a tongue is the indicator of inflammation in the body. The location of swelling may varies and correlates to the inflammation of organ on that area.  This can also reveal a kapha imbalance such as fluid retention, allergic reaction, obesity, hypothyroidism etc. Swollen tongue may need more investigation and thorough examination.




Red Inflamed papillae on the tongue

It is very common to see red dots on the surface of your tongue, which represents the heat or pitta energy in the plasma and blood tissues. The density of red papillae may vary and correlates to the respective organ locations. The condition like high fever, hyper acidity, ulcers, and acidic reaction may cause red inflamed papillae on the top of the tongue.



palePale Tongue

Basically, tongue is a muscular, vascular organ. The normal color of the tongue is red-pinkish. If the tongue is pale in color, it is a typical sign of low red blood cells, poor circulation or possibly anemia. This may happen due to low hemoglobin, excessive blood loss, Iron/B12 deficiency, parasitic infection, or side effects of some drugs.







Teeth marks around the tongue

This is one of the common marks that are seen along the perimeter of the tongue. The mark of teeth is indicating the poor absorption or malabsorption. If there is poor absorption of nutrients, it may lead to malnutrition. This signs also correspondence to nutritional deficiency. When the issue is solved, the marks disappear.



Dropping in the heart Area of the tongue

Looking into the heart area of the tongue, if you find hollowness or scooping, it is an indicator of emotional imbalance like sadness, grief, or depression in the heart. This may stay longer and remain chronically, which can be known by the depth and prominence of the marks.





This article is composed with an intention of awareness rather than a confirmatory diagnosis. Make this analysis as a part of daily routine and read your tongue regularly. It is very important to know the tongue may vary each day and can change when the body got its balance.

Also it is very important to clean your tongue or do tongue scraping as one of the first rituals in the morning. If you find any abnormality on your tongue, please visit your experienced Ayurveda practitioner to confirm your diagnosis.

From vibrantayurveda.com.au