Standing Wide Leg Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
This relaxing version of the standing forward fold releases spinal tension and takes the head down below the heart into a gentle, soothing inversion. In this pose we …
This relaxing version of the standing forward fold releases spinal tension and takes the head down below the heart into a gentle, soothing inversion. In this pose we …
(Upavistha Konasana) Level: Easy/Moderate Benefits: Great for toning the thighs and increasing flexibility through the inner legs. Wonderful for menstrual and urinary problems. Cautions: Be careful not …
Early April and the Commonwealth Games are upon us. Sounds like it could be hard to get anywhere! What about our yoga practice? It’s the perfect time to …
The pituitary gland is a shaped like a bean and lies at the base of the skull behind the nose. This small gland relays messages from the hypothalamus …
This pose is much like the Horse Stance from the martial arts tradition. They both have a wonderfully grounding effect and are both strengthening for the legs and …
Find Part 1 here! 5 Tibetan Rites Full Version Traditionally attributed to ancient monks living in the harsh conditions of the cold rocky Tibetan mountains, these five …
Tradition has it that these 5 poses were adopted by Tibetan monks to keep them strong and living long. Whether that’s true or not they certainly are a …
Sustain your yoga habit with this easy flow to free up your energy pathways and start or end your day with a soft radiance. Find the video here! …
This is a heating pose that has multiple benefits. It is very strengthening for the legs, hips, back and shoulder muscles and strengthens the core as well. Importantly …
With Anzac Day coming up let’s honour those who have been and are still involved in the brave task of protecting our country with a Warrior Pose. During …
Arm Garland Pose – Malasana Every now and then heavily pregnant ladies come to our classes wanting to ease the pressure in their backs. This squatting pose helps relieve …
Beat the heat this summer with this calm and cooling yin flow. Heart Opening Camel: Kneel on the floor with your knees aligned under your hips and …