Strawberry Lassi


This cooling drink is refreshing to the palate after a spicy meal and is a great aid for digestion. It also has the added benefit of being absolutely delicious. Children and adults alike will love this healthy treat.

The health benefits of yogurt have been known for centuries, but many people still don’t realize just how valuable yogurt can be to living a healthy lifestyle. Yogurt can actually benefit your health in a variety of ways, and it should definitely be added to your shopping list the next time you head out to the grocery store.

By the unique way that yoghurt is made, it contains good bacteria, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria which can cause bacterial infections and diseases. Adding some extra good bacteria to your body, can also help with digestion, boost the immune system and prevent yeast infections. Active live cultures actually reduce the level of lactose in yoghurt, making it a delicious dairy alternative to anyone who is lactose intolerant.


  • 3 cups of plain yogurt
  • ½ cup of unprocessed honey
  • 1 cup of chilled water
  • 2 teaspoon rosewater (from Asian or Indian grocery)
  • Generous handful of strawberries
  • Ice cubes


Wash and hull strawberries

Place all ingredients into blender EXCEPT the ice cubes at this stage

Blend for ½ min or so.

Add ice cubes and blend till smooth and frothy.

For an added touch, garnish with a rose petal.

serves 4