
Moringa Leaves


This fast growing drought resistant tree has been used in ayurveda for thousands of years. It produces long drumstick like seed pods and can bear fruit in the first year of planting. Every part of this tree has a use or benefit to humans: from the leaves, bark, seeds, and seed pods, to the stems, roots and flowers. This is why Moringa is also known as a generous tree and is treasured by the native peoples of the areas in which it is grown.

Common Name: Moringa
Botanical Name: Moringa oleifera
Other names: Clarifier tree, Horseradish tree, Ben oil tree, Drumstick tree.
Growing Area: Moringa grows well in many of the world’s warmest regions such as South East Asia, India and Africa

Nutrients & Applications:
A nutrition powerhouse, Moringa leaves are believed to contain approximately 46 types of anti-oxidants, 90 nutrients, and 18 amino acids (including 8 essential ones). This makes Moringa leaves a great multivitamin, remedy and good source of green leafy protein. People eat Moringa leaves in salads, stir-fries and curries.

The wide variety of nutrients that are found in quite high amounts and the antioxidant compounds, which protect the body’s cells, coupled with low calories and sodium content makes Moringa a good energy supplement.

Moringa is helpful in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, it has been used to help joint health and as a digestive aid. Moringa is nourishing to the brain and eyes and promotes a healthy circulatory system as well as normal functioning of the liver and the kidneys. Juice from the scraped tree trunk helps heal cuts.

Moringa oil is used for cooking, to beautify and protect skin from the elements, and the pressed seeds can then be used for water purification.

Further Reading: